Task Specialization with method

Method declearation inside class.
Methods body should be decleared outside the class. General function should be given with the template used in class like this: 

typename Vector<T>::const_iterator Vector<T>::begin_z() const {
    if (sz == 0) return end();
    return const_iterator{values};

 The same method can be specialized like this: Here, this method only execute when the template is Gossip_Girl. otherwise the above method is executed. 

Vector<Gossip_Girl>::const_iterator Vector<Gossip_Girl>::begin_z() const
    if (sz == 0) return end_z();
          int lastIndexofBrooklyn = -1;
          for(size_t i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
            std::string area = to_string((values+i)->get_area());
              if(area.find("Brooklyn") != std::string::npos) {
                  lastIndexofBrooklyn = i;
          if(lastIndexofBrooklyn == -1) return end_z();
          return const_iterator{values+lastIndexofBrooklyn};


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