
Showing posts from October, 2021

Eclipse Shortcut

Shortc ut for terminating running application in eclipse is not working. I think you are looking for this: Go to Properties -> General -> Keys Look for "Stop" in my case there are 3, use the one under Category "Launch Bar". Assign your hotkey and set "In Windows" under the "When" option and apply. This terminates the running process, even if the hotkey is called "Stop", wich is somewhat confusing, since there is another hotkey called "Terminate". Regards! ref:

aws lambda udemy

1) Commands:  Surface sls deploy serverless config credentials -o --provider aws --key ${key} --secret ${secretkey} sls create --template aws-python --path hello-world-python sudo npm install -g serveless sls invoke -f hello -l sls deploy function -f hello sudo npm install -g serverless sudo apt install npm sls log -f hello -t  sls remove A Little Deep sls create --template aws-java-maven --path java-maven-example sls create --template aws-nodejs --path nodejs-example 2) Links: serverless documentation Java CRUD api using lambda&serverless github 3) Notes: 4) serverless.yml provider : name : aws runtime : python3.9 lambdaHashingVersion : 20201221 profile : serverless-admin region : us-east-1 memory-size : 128 timeout : 2 iamRoleStatements : - Effect : "Allow" Action : - "lambda:*" Resource : - "*" functions : hello-short-timeout : handler : handler.hello hello-long-timeout : handler : handler....

AWS provider credentials not found. Learn how to set up AWS provider credentials in our docs here.

 Serverless aws error: This is because the credentials is saved under the profile in local computer. Command to set up with profile was: serverless config credentials -o --provider aws --key AKIA3LZR3EC2QRRONTGF --secret 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 --profile serverless-admin This doesnot work when we deploy it with serverless command: serverless deploy WE need to give the credential for whole laptop, so the profile should be removed. serverless config credentials -o --provider aws --key AKIA3LZR3EC2QRRONTGF --secret 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 Just above command will work fine.   REF:

swagger not showing view in spring fox 3

 http://localhost:8000/v2/api-docs This above link should be put in search box and searcn in the below link http://localhost:8000/swagger-ui/index.html First: Enter http://localhost:8000/swagger-ui/index.html Second: Enter  http://localhost:8000/v2/api-docs this search box of above page Third: Search

cannot resolve configuration properties in intellij

 Rename the configuration file to spring-configuration-metadata.json This is because spring automatically name the files as additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json